
Professor John Greenman

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Stirling University.

Professor Jon Greenman

Jon Greenman, a retired Maths Professor at Stirling University has spent a career convincing students that mathematics is to be enjoyed and not feared, “This task has been made easier, not only for students but also for those who want to keep their brain in trim, by the recent development of a range of computer games that test numerical agility. A recent addition to this market is cZeus which takes the concept much further by introducing players to more complex concepts without them realising it. cZeus is a thoroughly absorbing game based on a smart idea and has the potential to take the player further along the path to a deeper appreciation and enjoyment of mathematics.”

Professor Ray Turner

Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Computer Science, Essex University.

Professor Ray Turner, PhD Maths, PhD Philosophy

cZeus puzzles offer a great alternative way for practising basic numeracy skills as well learning more complicated mathematical concepts such as algebra and basic number theory. cZeus does this in a fun way and without the players knowing the underlying maths. All the players need is some basic knowledge of arithmetic and logical reasoning to start solving simpler cZeus Mortal and Hero puzzles, and with practice they can gradually improve their numeracy and reasoning skills as well as their mental agility to solve harder puzzles. Solving a puzzle essentially amounts to solving a set of simultaneous algebraic equations.

This is a great way to get the interest of a wider range of people with no formal mathematical training in such an important discipline. cZeus is more powerful than other brain training games as it teaches a real life skill and has the potential to play an important role in changing the cultural attitudes towards maths education in general. Similar to Sudoku, I am confident cZeus will become a ubiquitous maths and logic game encouraging more people to improve their numeracy skills. I highly recommend cZeus to anyone from beginners to those who are advanced in maths proficiency and would like to keep an agile mind.

Download on App Store

cZeus apps are now available on various platforms.

cZeus Maths Challenger

cZeus Planet

cZeus School League


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